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卷十 一八、今別離 |
(七月廿六日) 昨夜月圓,疑是舊曆七月十五夜也。步行月光中甚久,賞玩無厭。忽念黃公度《今別離》第四章「汝魂將何之」,其意甚新。惜其以夢為題,而獨遺月。古人「今夜涪州月,閨中只獨看」;「但願人長久,千里共嬋娟」,皆古別離之月也。千里遠別,猶可共婢娟之月色,今之去國三萬里者,其于國中父老骨肉,日月異明,晝夜異時,此夜綺色佳之月,須待一晝夜之後始可照吾故園桑梓,此「今別離」之月色也。感此因成英文小詩二章。他日當譯為漢文,或別以漢文作一詩以續《今別離》之後。此詩成後,吾友A. J. Thomas(A. J. 托馬斯)為易數字。 ABSENCE Those years of absence I recall, When mountains parted thee and me, And rivers, too. But that was all. The samefair moon which shone on thee, Shone, too, on me, tho' far apart; And when't was full, as it is now, We read in it each other's heart, As only thou and I knew how. And now the moon is full once more!— But parting thee and me there lies One half the earth;nor as before Do these same stars adorn thy skies. Nor can we now our thoughts impart Each to the other through the moon, For o'er the valley where thou art, There reigns the summer sun at noon. 〔中譯〕 今別離 憶昔別離,已有數載, 山川河流阻隔吾與汝, 但這就是一切。 這同一輪圓月曾照過汝, 也曾照過吾,儘管我們遠別離; 此輪圓月,如同今夜之月, 我們彼此用心閱讀此月之書, 惟有吾與汝才讀得懂。 今夜之月又圓了!—— 吾與汝相距半個地球; 這些星星不似從前, 再也不能點綴汝之天空。 我們各自心頭之話, 再也不能請月亮來傳遞, 因為此時汝所在之山谷, 正被夏日正午之驕陽暴曬著。 |
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