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卷十 三、日與德開戰之近因



  Writing on Aug. 28… I stated that suspense was more or less relieved when a note came from the British Government on Aug. 4(?) asking what Japan could do in the way of safe-guarding British shipping in the Far East. An Imperial council was called, and the reply at once went back to London that Japan could not guarantee the safety of British shipping so long as the presence of Germany at Tsingtau existed to menace it. Japan would undertake the responsibility on condition that she be allowed to remove the German occupation of that part of China. In this suggestion the British authorities acquiesced, on condition that the place be subsequently retured to China and the integrity of that republic be in no way threatened.





  〔附記〕英駐日大使謁日政府,乃在英宣戰之前一日(八月三日)。是夜即有內閣會議;議決後(不知何等決案),加藤即往見英使,告以日政府決不辭協助之責。八月七日,英使複告日政府,謂「如允相助,不宜更緩」。是夜大隈召元老及內閣會於其家。是會至晨二時始散,政策遂決(不知何等決議)。右據日人K. K. Kawakami〔K. K. 河上〕之言,見一九一四年十一月《大西洋月刊》(Atlantic Monthly)。

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