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卷十五 二六、維持和平同盟會之創立


  We believe it to be desirable for the United States to join a league of nations binding the signatories to the following:

  First: All justiciable questions arising between the signatory powers, not settled by negotiation, shall, subject to the limitations of treaties, be submitted to a judicial tribunal for hearing and judgment, both upon the merits and upon any issue as to its jurisdiction of the question.

  Second: All other questions arising between the signatories and not settled by negotiation, shall be submitted to a council of conciliation for hearing, consideration and recommendation.

  Third: The signatory powers shall jointly use forthwith both their economic and military forces against any one of their number that goes to war, or commits acts of hostility, against another of the signatories before any question arising shall be submitted as provided in the foregoing.

  The following interpretation of Article Three has been authorized by the Executive Committee: "The signatory powers shall jointly use, forthwith, their economic forces against any of their number that refuses to submit any question which arises to an international judicial tribunal or council of conciliation before threatening war. They shall follow this by the joint use of their military forces against that nation if it actually proceeds to make war or invades another's territory without first submitting, or offering to submit, its grievance to the court or council aforesaid and awaiting its conclusion. "

  Fourth: Conferences between the signatory powers shall be held from time to time to formulate and codify rules of international law, which, unless some signatory shall signify its dissent within a stated period, shall thereafter govern in the decisions of the Judicial Tribunal mentioned in Article one.


  提 議


  第一條 若各簽約國之間產生可由法院仲裁之問題,而通過談判又未獲解決,須服從條約之規定,交由法庭就其是非曲直和任何裁決之根據實行審理和裁決。

  第二條 各簽約國之間若產生未能通過談判獲得解決之其他問題,須提交調解委員會審理、考慮,並聽取其勸告。

  第三條 若聯盟內任一國發動戰爭或對他國採取敵對行動,簽約各國將即刻運用各自經濟的及軍事的力量共同反對。並在任何上述二條中所提及可能發生之問題產生前,即對該國採取反對行動。


  第四條 各簽約國間將經常性地召開會議制定和修改國際法則,並按上述第一條中所提及的法庭之決定執行,除非有簽約國在指定時期內對條款表示異議。

  「維持和平同盟」(The League to Enfore Paece)之議起於此邦。此邦人士如何耳特(Hamilton Holt)、塔夫脫(W. H. Taft)之流皆主之。前年六月十七日何耳特氏招此邦名流百人會於菲城之獨立廳,組織一「維持和平同盟」會。塔虎脫氏今為之長。此會所主四大綱如上所列。四事之中,尤以第三事為要。兩年以來,歐美政治家及政治學者多主張之。至前日(二十二日)威爾遜破百餘年之成例,至參議院宣言,以此為將來外交政策之根本,則世界國際史真開一新紀元矣。

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