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卷九 二〇、夢想與理想 |
(三月八日) 夢想作大事業,人或笑之,以為無益。其實不然。天下多少事業,皆起於一二人之夢想。今日大患,在於無夢想之人耳。 嘗謂歐人長處在敢於理想。其理想所凝集,往往托諸「烏托邦」(Utopia)。柏拉圖之Republic(《理想國》),倍根之New Atlantis(《新亞特蘭蒂斯》),穆爾(Thomas More)之Utopia(《烏托邦》),聖阿格司丁(st. Augustine)之City of God(《上帝城》),康德之Kingdom of Ends(《論萬物之終結》)及其Eternal Peace(《太平論》),皆烏托邦也。烏托邦者,理想中之至治之國,雖不能至,心響往焉。今日科學之昌明,有遠過倍根夢想中之《郅治國》者,三百年間事耳。今日之民主政體雖不能如康德所期,然有非柏拉圖兩千四百年前所能夢及者矣。七十年前(一八四二),詩人鄧耐生有詩云: Far I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see, Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be; Saw the heavens with commerce, argosies of magic sails, Pilot of the purple twilight, dropping down with costly bales; Heard the heavens fill with shouting, and there rain'd a ghastly dew From the nations' airy navies grappling in the central blue; Far along the world-wide whisper of the south wind rushing warm, With the standards of the peoples plunging through the thunderstorm; Till the war-drum throbb'd no longer, and the battle-flags were furl'd In the Parliament of man, the Federation of the World. —Locksley Hall 〔中譯〕 吾曾探究未來,憑眼極力遠眺, 望見世界之遠景,望見將會出現之種種奇跡; 看到空中貿易不斷,玄妙之航隊穿梭往來, 駕紫色暮靄之飛行者紛紛降落,攜帶昂貴之貨品; 聽到天上充滿呐喊聲,交戰各國之艦隊在藍天中央廝殺, 降下一陣可怖之露水; 同時,在遍及全世界之和煦南風奏響之颯颯聲中, 在雷電之轟鳴聲中,各民族之軍旗勇往直前; 直到鳴金收兵,直到戰旗息偃, 息偃在全人類之議會裡,在全世界之聯邦裡。 ——《洛克斯利田莊》 在當時句句皆夢想也。而七十年來,前數句皆成真境,獨末二語未驗耳。然吾人又安知其果不能見諸實際乎? 天下無不可為之事,無不可見諸實際之理想。電信也,電車也,汽機也,無線電也,空中飛行也,海底戰鬥也,皆數十年前夢想所不及者也,今都成實事矣。理想家念此可以興矣。 吾國先秦諸子皆有烏托邦:老子、莊子、列子皆懸想一郅治之國;孔子之小康大同,尤為卓絕古今。漢儒以還,思想滯塞,無敢作烏托邦之想者,而一國之思想遂以不進。吾之以烏托邦之多寡,蔔思想之盛衰,有以也夫! |
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