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一九二八年六月二十三日自西雅圖途中 |
Empress of Canada June23rd,1928 Darling: This is the 8th day on board and I haven』t told you much about what itfeels to be on board such a big ship as the Empress of Canada.The fact is we very much regret having taken to this boat instead of one of the Dollar-line boats.This is a Canadaship,a Britisher,not American. Consequently the atmosphere on board is pervaded with that British chill which is made doubly worse by the sea chill of the Northern Pacific.You mean to tell me thisis summer time?Yes,except in the sight of here and the rebarely surviving white flannels and white canvas shoes one finds it extremely difficult to make out any trace of summer.Enter the drawing room sand you feel(not surprisedly)the good of the radiators heartily at work again;goto the decks and you feel the good of caps and over coats and heavy shawls and thicks team ship rugs tightly tugged round your sides;look at the sea and you are confronted with indifferent masses of steely water hemmed in by hazy horizons andover cast with amisty firmament that promises neither sunlightn or gladhuedclouds.And you mean to tell me that this is summer, the month of June? W emps just proposed a star plan to us which,jf success- fully carried out will combine art and money.「Go to join the Hollywood crowd and make a million gold dollars of fortune out of say three years』 work」-he say she can think of no better plan than that. 此信譯文如下 親愛的: 上船已八天,還不及對你細述我在加拿大女皇號這樣的巨輪上的種種感想。事實上,我們頗為後悔乘坐這艘船而不是大萊公司的船。這是加拿大船,英國式而不是美國式的。因此船上無處不感到一種英國式的陰冷氣氛,再加上北太平洋原有的陰冷空氣,便更加不好受了。你不是告訴過我這是夏日嗎?不錯,可是除了難得見到的白色法蘭絨上衣和白皮鞋之外,哪裡還有什麼夏日的跡象。走進客艙就會感到暖氣開足的舒適,這又何足為奇;上了甲板,緊緊裹在帽子、大衣、厚實的圍巾以至船用毯子中間才頂得住;放眼海面,只見灰暗的海水延伸到霧濛濛的天際,上面的蒼穹同樣是濃雲密佈的,不見一線的陽光或者彩雲。你不是告訴過我這是盛夏的六月嗎? 文伯剛給我們出了個去當明星的主意,如能實現,藝術上成功之外還能發財。「去好萊塢幹它三年,掙上百萬金元」——他說再沒有更妙的主意了。 一九二八年六月二十三日 加拿大女皇號輪上 |
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