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卷八 一九、矛盾 |
(二月六日) THE DIFFERENCE For The Public He won some twenty medals—he Had killed some twenty score, And just for this they knighted him, And honored him some more. And this man killed but one (a flash Of anger o'er a card), And so at sunrise he was hanged High in the prison yard. And thus the wonder grows—why one Should die at rise of Sun, And why such difference should be Twixt many killed, and one! Joseph Dane Miller 〔中譯〕 矛 盾 ——為大眾而作 他贏得二十多枚勳章, 因為他槍殺了數百個人, 為此而向他授勳, 獎勵他去殺更多的人。 這一位卻只殺了一個, 為了一張牌一時性起, 因此在太陽升起之際,他將被 高高地掛在監獄院子當中吊死。 這樣你也許會要納悶, 為什麼他要死于日出時分, 在殺一個與殺許多之間, 竟然有如此巨大的矛盾! ——約瑟夫·丹·米勒 此即《墨子·非攻篇》之大旨,此即吾所謂「不一致」。不一致者,自相矛盾之謂也。墨子曰:「此皆以明小物而不明大物也。」耶穌曰:「嗟,汝妄人,汝捉殺蚊而吞橐駝。」(Ye blind guides,which strain at a gnat,and swallow a camel. —Matt. 23:24.)即此意也。世人懵懵,吾其奈之何哉! |
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