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卷六 一三、日英盟約 |
(八月十七日) Agreement of alliance between the United Kingdom and Japan. Signed at London, July 13, 1911 Preamble: The government of Great Britain and the government of Japan, having in view the important changes which have taken place in the situation since the conclusion of the Anglo-Japanese agreement of the 12th of August, 1905, and believing that a revision of that agreement responding to such changes would contribute to general stability and repose, have agreed upon the following stipulations to replace the agreement above mentioned, such stipulations having the same object as the said agreement, namely: (a)The consolidation and maintenance of the general peace in the regions of Eastern Asia and India. (b)The preservation of the common interests of all powers in China by insuring the independence and integrity of the Chinese empire and the principle of equal opportunities for the commerce and industry of all nations in China. (c)The maintenance of the territorial rights of the high contracting parties in the regions of Eastern Asia and India, and the defense of their special interests in the said regions. Article I It is agreed that whenever, in the opinion of either Great Britain or Japan, any of the rights and interests referred to in the preamble of this agreement are in jeopardy, the two governments will communicate with one another fully and frankly and will consider in common, the measures which should be taken to safeguard those menaced rights or interests. Article Ⅱ If by reason of unprovoked attack or aggressive action. whenever arising, on the part of any Power or Powers, either high contracting party should be involved in war in defense of its territorial rights or special interests mentioned in the preamble of this agreement, the other high contracting party will at once come to assistance of its ally and will conduct the war in common and make peace in mutual agreement with it. Article Ⅲ The high contracting parties agree that neither of them will, without consulting the other, enter into separate arrangements with another Power to the prejudice of the objects described in the preamble of this agreement. Article IV Should either high contracting party conclude a treaty of general arbitration with a third power, it is agreed that nothing in this agreement shall entail upon such contracting party an obligation to go to war with the power with whom such treaty of arbitration is in force. Article V The condition under which armed assistance shall be afforded by either power to the other in the circumstances mentioned in the present agreement and the means by which such assistance is to be made available will be arranged by the naval and military authorities of the high contracting parties, who will from time to time consult one another fully and freely upon all questions of mutual interest. Article Ⅵ The present agreement shall come into effect immediately after the date of its signature, and remain in force for ten years from that date. In case neither of the high contracting parties should have notified twelve months before the expiration of the said ten years the intention of terminating it, it shall remain binding until the expiration of one year from the day on which either of the high contracting parties shall have denounced it. But, if when the date fixed for its expiration arrives, either ally is actually engaged in war, the alliance shall ipso facto continue until peace is concluded. Signed, E. GREY, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. TAKAAKI KATO, Ambassador Extraordinary. The foregoing is the latest, revised text and the one at present in operation. 〔中譯〕 日英盟約 (1911年7月13日簽於倫敦) 前 言 大英帝國政府和日本政府鑒於自1905年8月12日日英盟約簽訂以來,形勢已發生了重要的變化,認為為適應形勢變化而對於上述盟約進行修改,將有助於促進地區安定與和平。因此達成協議簽訂如下條款以取代前述之盟約,此條款的宗旨與前述盟約一致,即: (a)鞏固和維持東亞與印度地區的和平。 (b)在確保中華帝國的獨立與完整的前提下保護列強在華的共同利益,並堅持各國在華工業和貿易機會均等的原則。 (c)維護在東亞及印度等地區締約各國的領土權利及保護在上述地區它們的特殊利益。 第一條 大英帝國及日本一致同意,當此盟約前言中所提及的任何權益受到威脅時,兩國政府將徹底坦誠地交換意見,並考慮採取共同步驟以保護上述受到危害的權利和利益。 第二條 一旦發生了非因觸犯而發生的攻擊或侵略行為,就任何強國來說,締約國一方為了保衛其領土的權利及在本盟約前言中所提及的特殊利益而捲入戰爭,則締約另一方必須立即協助其盟國共同參戰以達致盟約中所訂之共同和平。 第三條 締約雙方均同意,任何一方在未與對方商定的情況下不得與任何強國單獨達成協議以損害在本盟約前言中所提及之宗旨。 第四條 締約任一方一旦與第三國達成仲裁協議,則此條約不應使此締約國承擔任何義務去與此仲裁條約對之生效的國家宣戰。 第五條 此條約所提及的各種情況一旦發生,締約一方應向另一方提供行之有效的軍事援助,援助的條件及方式應由各締約國的海軍及軍事當局來安排。各締約國在此期間均應就關係到雙方利益的問題不斷進行磋商。 第六條 此條約自簽字之日起立即生效,有效期為十年。 如果締約雙方在上述十年有效期滿之前十二個月沒有宣告廢除此條約的意圖,那麼此條約將繼續對締約各方具有約束力,直至締約各方宣告廢除此條約之日起一年期滿為止。又如果此指定的期滿之日到來之際,有任一方仍處於交戰狀態之時,盟約仍繼續生效直至達成和平之日為止。 英國外相 E. GREY(簽名) 日本特命大使 TAKAAKI KATO(簽名) 以上是最新的經過修改的條文,目前已生效。 上載為日英盟約(一九一一年修正)之全稿。其第二條即所謂攻守同盟之約也。其第四條甚可玩味,所謂「仲裁」之約之功用,即此可見一斑。 |
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