學達書庫 > 青春校園 > 青青陌上桑 > |
四十六 |
龍斐陌轉身看我,輕輕一笑,「生路?」他一點一點地放開我的手,「路難道不是他們自己走絕的嗎?」「你看,夜色太美了,」只是片刻,他重又一把拉起我,「來,桑筱,陪我跳支舞。」 他一邊執著我的手,帶著我在偌大的籃球場裡轉圈,一邊竟然吹起了低低的口哨。很美的曲子,That』s Why You Go Away。 that』s why you go baby won』t you tell me why? there is sadness in your eyes. i don』t wanna say goodbey to you. love is one big illusion! l should try to forget. but there is something left in my head. you』re the one who set it up. now you』re the one to make it stop. i』m the one who』s feeling lost right now. now you want me to forget. every little thing you said. but there is something left in my head. i won』t forget the way you』re kissing. the felling』s so strong were lasting for so long! but l』m not the man ur heart is missing! that』s why you go away l know! you were never satisfied. no matter how l tried. now you wanna say goodbye to me. love is one big illusion! i should try to forget! but there is something left in my head! i won』t forget the way you』re kissing! the felling』s so strong! were lasting for so long! but l』m not the man ur heart is missing! that』s why you go away l know! yes l know ! sitting here all alone. in the middle of nowhere. don』t know which way to go. there airn』t so much 2 say now between us. there ain』t so much for you. there ain』t so much for me anymore. i won』t forget the way you』re kissing! the feeling』s so strong. were lasting for so long! but l』m not the man ur heart is missing! that』s why you go away l know! that』s why you go away l know! 他耐心地,一遍又一遍地,他的聲音醇厚悅耳,伴著舒緩的呼吸和淡淡的馨香,在我耳邊輕輕回蕩,我抬眼看他,他也正在看我,他的唇角含著微微的笑意,他的眼裡閃著耀眼的光,比月光掩映中的星子還要璀璨。 這樣的男子呵…… 我幾乎開始恍惚。 不知過了多久,再次轉到那棵老榕樹下的時候,他停下了腳步,淡淡的月色下,微風吹拂中,我們就這樣對視著,直到他屏息片刻,仿佛喟歎了一聲,將我拉近,圈住,輾轉抵住我微微飛揚的發。 良久良久,他緩緩俯下頭,我眼睜睜看著他慢慢地,一點一點地向我靠近…… 驀地,我偏過頭去,他的唇淺淺烙到我的鬢邊。我閉了閉眼,掙脫他。 我深吸一口氣,我記得我今天此次的目的。所有的,一切的,到此,劃下一個句點吧。 我幫不了任何人。就連我自己,一樣無能為力。 我只能選擇後退,並試圖守住自己的心。 |
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