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去秋,柏林大學教授法蘭居士游秣陵,會衲於祇桓精舍,譚及英人近譯大乘起信論,以為破碎過甚,衲喟然歎曰:「譯事固難,況譯以英文,首尾負竭,不稱其意,滋無論矣。又其卷端,謂馬嗚此論,同符景教。吃嗚呼,是烏足以語大乘者哉!」居士各衲為購法苑珠林,版久蠹蝕,無以應其求也。衲語居士:「震旦萬事蘦墜,豈複如昔時所稱天國(Celestial Empire),亦將為印度比倫埃及希臘之繼耳!」此語思之,常有餘恫。比自秣陵遄歸將母,病起匈膈,檽筆譯拜倫去國之尤,寄之吟詠,謀人這國,功成不居,雖與日月爭光,可民!嘗謂計歌之美,在乎氣體;然其情思幼眇,抑亦十方同感,如衲舊譯穎穎赤牆靡,去燕,冬日,答美人贈東發毢帶詩數章,可為證已。古詩「思君令人老」,英譯作「To think of you makes me old」,辭氣相副,正難再得,若小雅「昔我往矣,楊柳依依;令我來思,雨雪霏霏。行道遲遲,載渴載饑,我心傷悲,莫知我哀。」譯如: "At first, when we set out, The willows were fresh and green; Now, when we shall be returning, The snow will be falling in clouds. Long and tedious will be our marching; We shall hunger; we shall thirst. Our hearts are wounded with grief, And no one knows our sadness." 又陳陶隴西行,「誓掃匈奴不顧身,五千貂錦喪胡麝;可憐無定河邊骨,猶是春閨夢裡人!」 "They swore the Huns should perish: they would die if needs they must, And now five thousand, sable-clad, have bit the Tartar dust. Along the river bank their bones lie scattered where they may, But still their forms in dreams arise to fair ones far away." 顧視元文,猶不相及。自余譯者,澆淳散朴,損益任情,寧足以勝鞮寄之任!今譯是篇,按文切理,語無增飾;陳義悱測,事辭相稱。世有作者,亦將有感乎斯文?光緒三十二年,佛從「多羅夜登陵奢」天下還日,曼殊序於太平洋舟中。 |
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